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Sci-Fi. country USA. Casts Jessica Chastain, Mackenzie Foy. duration 169 minutes. creators Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan. rating 9,4 of 10

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1:21 When she bites down a little rough on it. Interstellar Movie Download In italianously. I need one of those black holes to fix my life. Very appropriately, there are some wonderful nods here to Arthur C. Clarke's and Stanley Kubrick's groundbreaking 1968 film, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. INTERSTELLAR" is truly the next chapter in the exploration of the future begun by that movie and it parallels "2001" its use of powerful metaphorical imagery along with meaningful technical content. I heard so much about this film being vetted by the top physicists that I actually expected it to have its science fully together. So let's begin with a basic correction: Time" is NOT the "4th dimension" the "4th dimension" is NOT "Time. Time has been clearly perceived from the emergence of conscious living beings - no one was aware of the 4th dimension until Einstein proposed its existence in the 1920s. To be clear, our sense of time is a direct result of our universal, unidirectional passage through that elusive 4th dimension. But time is merely a subjective artifact - one clearly perceivable to beings that can only directly perceive 3 dimensions. So, okay - in a movie so deeply concerned with the 4th dimension, would it have been so hard to take a moment to finally clear up that blurred distinction? Another scientific slip: the dialogue presents the creatures that experience a 5-dimensional existence as if they somehow possess the 5th dimension. No - they don't have a dimension that applies only to them. That 5th dimension, like all dimensions, should be presented as universal and ever-present. They, unlike ourselves, simply are able to perceive and presumably to operate in it. Aargh! How long are we going to have to wait for a another film like "2001" that really is written with a full understanding of how the space-time continuum really operates? I also have a more mundane complaint. There is a vast difference between a "great pilot" and a "mission commander. I would have replaced the opening scenes with some actual precision flying AND a demonstration of decisive thinking and outstanding leadership ability. All the agricultural exposition could have been accomplished with a bit of dialogue and/or some on-screen text of some kind. But the film really shifts into high gear with the arrival on other planets. You really FEEL the remoteness and novelty of the other worlds. "INTERSTELLAR" probes the supremely critical question of the future of humanity: Are humans capable of facing the daunting challenges of making our move out into the universe? The movie does an extraordinary job of taking on this colossal question, going much farther than any other work that I know of. And for me, the movie makes the actual answer supremely clear: Absolutely not." I'm not sure that's really a spoiler because, though there may be one character in the film who agrees with me on this, it's not quite the conclusion of the movie itself. Some of the dialogue on this subject is so far beyond brilliant that I can't begin to express how deeply it struck me. This makes it a great work and worthy of 10 stars in spite of all my criticisms.

How's that possible - after listening till the end, 23 years have already passed ? 👨‍🚀🪐. I watched it 3 times and paused it every 10 seconds for group discussion surrounded by research tools and I still didn't understand it. Interstellar Movie Download In italianous. How is it a sin for him to show up before they launch and they need a pilot? He gave himself the coordinates to go there lol. I wish there was a way to watch this movie for the first time again. 3:31 I just entered another dimension. How it feels to chew 5 gum.

Dont wanna sound exaggerated but I feel this movie changed my life

Interstellar Movie Download In italianory. Coop, what are you doing? Self-isolating and physical distancing It's not possible No. It's necessary. You liked this, you may also like The Incredibles - Bomb Voyage Scene. This movie was absolutely amazing. Anyone that saw Interstellar on an IMAX screen understands how thrilling this scene was to watch. The spherical hole concept messed me up. The way the soundtrack comes to a soothing end as he lays out cold near Saturn, God, that hits the feels. 13:15 if Liev Schreiber suddenly appeared I think it still wouldve been super obvious that he was a bad guy 😂. Ah yes dont have mushu and singing, but have the Huns run across a wall and a witch lady shapeshifter.

Damn it! Why did it end at such a good part.

If you haven't listened to this,trust me your ears are still Virgin

This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years. We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. Doctor: You have 7 years to live Me. “The 2 most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” -Mark Twain. Goodness me that was scary. As I thought, black holes are for time traveling. If you can't see or sense something it doesn't mean it doesn't listen in the distent future someone will create a time machine and he love this identally entering somewhere beyond what we can comprend so somehow he went before time itself before the universe existed created a big explotion because of matter existing before matter was even created resuling in the big bang creating the suppose because of this sound he got into it so much he didn't focus driving the timemachine and got in somewhere that led to existence existing before existence so this track led to the creation of everything but here is a thing it is a loop if that track wouldn't exist noting would exist but since first happend the existence of universe that means that track was created because the track has to be created for universe to exist so it goes on it is a loop.

HOW DOES HE SCAPE FROM THAT PLACE. I always wondered. Nailed it. Watched Interstellar last night. Had to come back to this video for the 175th time to appreciate Hans Zimmers work. P.s. to all interstellar fans. Showcase cinema is showing the movie from the 6th Of July 2020 for a week. One showing a day. Get yourself booked in to see this gem on the being screen again. I'm definitely not paying 30 for it, but this does look really good. I'm personally considering this movie the best one ever made, with this music oh my god.







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